Smart Living 4 All

Funding institution: Regione Lombardia - #379268

Duration: 24 months, from 23/11/2017 to 23/11/2019

Wearable • IoT • Artificial Intelligence • Newborn Care • Elderly Assistance

Smart wellness for the little ones and the elderly

The Smart Living 4 All is aimed at improving the quality of life, the safety and the comfort in home environments, of the two most sensitive and care-needing population groups: children and elderly.

These two categories of users, typically, have low interaction capability with new technological tools, increasingly present in our everyday life.

Under the project, we want to exploit the most recent technologies (such as ICT, Big Data, wearable devices, Artificial Intelligence) to realize home environments able to adapt themselves to the specific needs of these users without a real physical interaction with them: these smart environments, thanks to the introduction of sensors, self-learning systems and Artificial Intelligence, must prove to be able to foresee and understand the needs of users who may be unable to fully express them, and behave accordingly.

The project involves the elaboration and the study of two different use cases, each with a specific focus: the Tender Age scenario, dedicated to the safeguard of the wellness and the comfort of the children, and the Active Ageing scenario, to meet the needs of the elderly.

smart crib

Under the Tender Age scenario, a smart crib, named iCrib, is currently under development; it provides the parents with a new tool to guarantee and monitor the wellness of the baby thanks to the following technological components:

  • Environment sensors embedded in the crib to measure temperature, crying, humidity, movement, luminosity, air quality, thermographic images
  • A sensorized body and smart toys to detect body temperature, crying, heart rate and simple touch inputs (such as the hand clinging of the baby)
  • Actuators which, upon the occurrence of certain starting conditions (detected by the sensors) make the environment able to meet the child’s needs, such as, LED lights automatically  switching on and off when the baby falls asleep or wakes up or speakers playing a lullaby when the baby appears to be about to fall asleep
  • A mobile app to be used by the parents, to allow them to:
    • Receive notifications about the comfort level and the status of the baby manage the actuators and monitor body and environment parameters
    • Manage actuators, using custom configurations and patterns, fitting different everyday situations (the baby is about to fall asleep, is hungry etc)
    • Real-time remote monitor body and environment parameters
  • Artificial Intelligence, to allow the system to progressively learn from the decisions made by the parents.

The system is also enabled to communicate and integrate itself with the most common home automation systems and IoT objects on the market (thermostats, illumination systems, plugs, locks etc).

comfort and safety guaranteed

The Active Ageing scenario foresees the analysis and development of a platform that offers the same features of iCrib. The architecture will see the integration of a smart piece of furniture (such as a bedside table), with a more specific focus on the needs of the elderly.

Some of the technologies named above will integrated:

  • Environment sensors to measure temperature, humidity, luminosity, movements, air quality, thermographic images
  • A sensorized pajamas to detect body temperature, oximetry, heart rate and accelerations, which can be also be used as a Man Down sensor
  • External actuators on the market, (such as smart locks, lamps and plugs, IoT thermostats, coffee machine, etc) with wich the system can communicate to adapt the environment to the needs of the elder; for example, it will be possible to automatically switch on the smart lamps if the system detects that the subject woke up from bed during night time; or automatically lock the smart locks once the system detects that the subject fell asleep
  • A mobile app, to be used by the elder or his/her caregiver, to allow:
    • Reception of notifications about the status and the wellness level of the elder
    • The management of the external actuators, using custom configurations and patterns, fitting different everyday situations (the subject fell asleep, woke up, went out, fell etc)
    • The real-time monitoring of body and room parameters
  • Artificial Intelligence, to allow the system to progressively learn from the decisions made by the elder or his/her caregiver.
