+39 0461 314174

Who we are

We are a innovative high-tech start-up that designs and develops IT solutions for the sectors of health, wellness and sport.

We use the most recent technologies based on Wearables, IoT, Cloud Computing, Big Data Analytics, AI, Machine Learning, Sensor Fusion, Privacy-Enhancing Technologies (PETs) and Cryptography to realize applications in the field of Wearable Health.

Wearable Health

Thanks to the development of patented wearable sensors featuring high usability and comfort, and to their successive integration with commercial devices, our monitoring capability of biometrical parameters is among the most complete on the market.

Artificial Intelligence

Using AI algorithm and safe transmission systems we can distribute the computing among the device’s firmware, the mobile app and, thanks to Big Data Analytics, even the Cloud back-end.


We guarantee the highest levels of security and control on the managing of sensitive data, in accordance with the highest data protection standards (ISO 27001/27017/27018/22301, HIPAA/HITECH, CSA STAR) and with the most recent privacy legislation (GDPR, Privacy Shield).

Health Data Analytics

Thanks to the knowledge acquired in UX and Interaction Design, and to the partnership with important scientific institutes, we design visualization systems fitting any kind of user, from the most demanding medical specialists to the final user (elderly, kids, disabled).


Although young, MediaClinics is already able to propose products and solutions suitable to cover a broad range of services in the fields of healthcare, prevention, wellbeing and sport performances improvement. Our solutions are end-to-end ones, which cover the whole lifecycle of data: from acquisition via wearables, through their transmission on networks and short-range channels, to the development of mobile devices, data repositories, cloud computing engines and web apps for professional users and medical specialists.

A complete solution for chronic and elderly patients

A product for the preventive screening of atrial fibrillation for the most innovative pharmacists

Solutions addressed to the workers’ wellbeing: stress levels, sleep quality and lifestyle

MargheritaTre is a tool for ICUs workflow complete management


The Electronic Health Record for Intensive Care Units developed by Mario Negri Institute and GiViTi group

Research Projects

SCC Innovation Hub & Living Lab Network




Employees Health Packages


PlAtform for PrivAcY preserving data Analytics


Personal Assistant for a healthy Lifestyle


Mobile Medical Monitoring

Smart Living 4 All

Smart Aging

Sport Biometrics

Our Partners

MediaClinics Italia is a certified manufacturer of Medical Devices according to the international quality standard ISO 13485, and designs and develops medical software in compliance with international standard IEC 62304.